One of the most fearsome encounters during Kirk’s first five-year mission aboard the USS Enterprise brought the crew in contact with the Planet Killer now immortalized in a Special Edition model from Eaglemoss.
The most dangerous weapon in the galaxy has entered the edge of our galaxy and left behind a path of destruction. When Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise intercept the Doomsday Machine, it has already destroyed the USS Constellation and left its commanding officer in a terrible state. Commodore Matt Decker is determined to destroy the machine even it means taking down the Enterprise. As part of its line of “Special Edition” releases Eaglemoss Collections introduces the Planet Killer.
The mysterious weapon of mass destruction that threatened the USS Enterprise was impenetrable and fired an antiproton blast that laid waste to everything in its path. Commodore Decker had the Enterprise fly over the Planet Killer’s surface and fired several phasers at point blank to no effect. Decker attempted to fly into the Planet Killer to destroy it himself, but in an initial power play Kirk resorted to detonating the USS Constellation inside the Planet Killer effectively shutting down the doomsday weapon and saving the heavily inhabited system of Rigel.
Doomsday Machine
In the episode “The Doomsday Machine” the ominous appearance of the Planet Killer lends much speculation to its origins. Kirk compares it to an “H” Bomb, while Spock confirms that it may in fact be a “robot”. The Planet Killer didn’t appear to have a crew, but moved as if it was possessed of a consciousness and attacked the USS Constellation and the USS Enterprise. Its path of destruction is clear though, and had the crew of the Enterprise not been able to stop it, the casualties to nearby habitable systems would have been monumental.
Measuring approximately 8.5 inches in length the Eaglemoss model of the Planet Killer may not appear as formidable as the actual one (which was several miles long) but the die-cast representation and surface coloring is impressively close. The model itself also rests solidly on its display stand. The most coveted feature is the installed lightbulb accessory that brightly mimics the furnace-looking maw of the Doomsday Machine. When it’s not lit the mouth of the Planet Killer is painted accurately to look just like it did on film.
The Special Edition release is also packed with a 20-page magazine that elaborates on the specifics of the Planet Killer as it appeared in “The Doomsday Machine” episode chronicle its path of destruction and eventual demise at the hands of Kirk and crew. The magazine also provides background on the possible origins of the device and how the idea for the Planet Killer came to life in the script. The editors at Eaglemoss do need to work a little more diligently, as there are several typos throughout and the contents is a misprint from the issue relating to V’Ger.
Planer Killer | Special Edition | Star Trek The Official Starships Collections from Eaglemoss Collections | $49.95 available on the Eaglemoss Collections website or as part of the subscription service.