DC Comics celebrates the next installment of Frank Miller’s epic “Dark Knight Saga” with a digital comics sale of the original episodes in the series just in time for the holiday!
It was the seminal moment in comic book history… the minute that graphic novelist and artist Frank Miller’s Batman: The Dark Knight Returns hit specialty shops the prestige format release revolutionized the industry, and impacted the way creatives would tell stories from that moment on.
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns was first published in 1986 as a four-part, prestige format graphic novel directed towards the more sophisticated reader. The series deeply enriched the Batman mythology and put the character back on top of the list of DC Comic’s more popular imprints.
That a sequel was designed to follow in 2001 came as a surprise to fans, but nonetheless Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again was a success and the 3-issue graphic novel would join its predecessor as one of the best-selling series ever.
The Dark Knight will once again rise! Frank Miller’s epic take on the Batman mythology will go on sale on digital platforms next week in time to ring in the highly anticipated third part of the saga DKIII: The Master Race.
Miller is promising that the next part of the saga DKIII: The Master Race will be just as incredible, certainly the “pre-buzz” has already motivated collectors to search out the variant covers of Issue #1 set to go on sale in November 25th. But to wet the appetite DC has a surprise for its fans!
On Tuesday, November 24th, the DC Comic’s Digital Store will celebrate the release of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight III: The Master Race with a masterful sale of the premiere series, its sequel and several titles in the Frank Miller collection.
Collectors can add digital copies of the first series for only $0.99 including its sequel, and All-Star Batman and Robin #1-10, and several full-volume versions including Batman: Year One. Check out the new Dark Knight adventure, and stock up next week!