He’s the wiliest of the speedsters always having to live up to the legacy of The Flash and later this season on The CW series Bart Allen, IMPULSE materializes, and here is everyone’s First Look at the newest hero coming to Central City!

It’s always been about the legacy. DC Comics has had a “Flash” prominently playing a significant role in every age. As the Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick set the standard and lead the charge against Nazi forces that threatened to destroy freedoms and democracy. As the Silver Age dawned a new speedster would find inspiration in Garrick’s adventures and follow in his boots. Central City CSI, Barry Allen would embody everything that we’ve come to know is a true hero, and he would himself inspire several generations, including Wally West to assume the mantle.
On The CW’s live-action series The Flash starring Grant Gustin the themes of family and legacy have always played a significant role in the show’s narrative, including literally with the series’ casting. Actor John Wesley Shipp portrayed the character of Barry Allen in the 1990 CBS original run of The Flash and joined the cast of the 2014 series playing Henry Allen, Barry’s father. Eventually, he would also be revealed as the “real” Jay Garrick (from Earth-3) and during the epic “Crisis on Infinite Earths” 5-part crossover, Shipp would reprise his role as Barry Allen/The Flash of Earth-90 and saved the multiverse.
With the multiverse rebooted and post-crisis Earth-Prime “cooling” so-to-speak, the family has once again emerged at the center of The Flash story this season as Barry learned that he and Iris have inadvertently given birth to exterior forces that could have threatened the natural order of the Speed Force. Fortunately, Team Flash prevailed and saved the day, but it wouldn’t be The Flash if there wasn’t another threat looming around the corner — in fact, later this season The Flash family is going to experience a growth spurt when Bart Allen drops into Central City.

Impulse (Re)Action
Stepping into the familiar silver and crimson suit is Jordan Fisher — the newest member of the Allen Family is materialized in an homage to the comic book character’s modern era reemergence in this “First Look” at Impulse when Bart Allen joins the cast. Also coming along for the run will be another familiar face, when Jessica Parker Kennedy is reintegrated in the post-crisis timeline as Nora Allen, or XS as she is known. The pair will play sibling from the future, the children of Barry and Iris (Candice Patton) who have traveled back in time to defend their family from a dangerous adversary!
Given the unique nature of Impulse’s presence in The Flash legacy, the upcoming introduction of the character is sure to shake things up, as well as spark some much-needed new intrigue into the series. Also coming aboard for the upcoming arc which leads into the Season 7 cliffhanger will be John Wesley Shipp returning as Jay Garrick. As was previously reported, Season 7 will be marking the exit of two major cast members and fan favorites as Carlos Valdes and Tom Cavanagh take their final bows and Season 8 prepares to chart all-new territory for The Flash.
The Flash starring Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, and Danielle Panabaker airs new episodes every Tuesday night at 8 pm on The CW.